NYSCF – Robertson Investigator Sergiu Pasca Receives A.E. Bennett Award From Society Of Biological Psychiatry


This week, NYSCF – Robertson Stem Cell Investigator Sergiu Pasca, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University, received the A.E. Bennett Award from the Society of Biological Psychiatry. This award recognizes international work done in biological psychiatry by a young investigator.

Dr. Pasca’s lab uses stem cells to investigate the process of human brain development and the cellular basis of neuropsychiatric disorders. His lab explores these questions by generating brain organoids (3D aggregates of lab-grown neural cells) to observe how human cells grow and change in patients with autism and schizophrenia.

The Society of Biological Psychiatry’s vision is to advance understanding, investigation, and treatment of psychiatric disorders until they are eliminated as a cause of human suffering. You can read more about the Society’s mission here.

Congratulations, Dr. Pasca!

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