Clinical Research at NYSCF
The Clinical Research Program supports NYSCF’s mission of conducting groundbreaking stem cell research to discover better treatments and accelerate cures for the major diseases of our time. The Clinical Research Program is home to a team of study coordinators, nurse practitioners, and regulatory professionals who support cross-disciplinary research at NYSCF.
The primary goal of the Clinical Research Program is to create a large collection of information and samples (called a “repository”) that broadly represents the genetic diversity of the human population. Repositories can help researchers conduct studies that may help better understand how the human body works, find new ways to treat diseases, or develop new tests and products (like drugs).

NYSCF’s Clinical Research Program collects blood, skin, and spit from people of diverse backgrounds with many different medical conditions and health statuses. Once a participant provides these samples, no further testing or experiments on people are involved. The samples are stored in a repository and made available to researchers around the world to advance basic laboratory research in important areas like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, macular degeneration, Parkinson’s, women’s reproductive cancers, and others. Results from this research can then contribute to translational research which takes laboratory findings and applies them to creating new ways of diagnosing or treating diseases, which might later on lead to testing on humans in clinical trials.
NYSCF’s scientific advancements would not be possible without the contribution of research volunteers. We invite you to read more about the Clinical Research Team and Participate in Research at NYSCF. Click here to email us!