NYSCF Global Stem Cell Array®
Automated iPSC reprogramming, genome editing, and differentiation services
- Gold standard industrialized iPSC production
- Eliminates all manual manipulation and technical variability
- Yields highly reproducible panels of iPSCs and differentiated lines
- Massively parallel processing of samples
- iPSC expansion and quality control services
- Ability to deposit iPSC lines into the NYSCF Repository for global distribution
- Automated, high-throughput reprogramming of blood and skin samples
- Traceable processes and project management infrastructure
- Certificate of Analysis provided for each line verifying rigorous quality control
- Automated CRISPR/Cas9 knockouts
- SNV edits for production of isogenic line pairs
- High-yield protocols for differentiating PSCs into various cell types, including neuronal, glial, pancreatic, cardiac, hepatic, retinal, cardiomyocytes, immune
- Numerous protocols automated – ability to differentiate hundreds of lines in parallel
- Automated generation of organoid models, including brain and pancreatic
- Immunofluorescence
- Cell painting
- High content imaging
- Gene expression analysis
- Electrophysiology
- Other phenotypic and functional assays of interest in 2D or 3D cultures with ability to scale up
If you are interested in collaborative opportunities with NYSCF, please contact partnering@nyscf.org.