NYSCF Supports New Google Policy Barring Ads for Unproven Stem Cell Therapies


The New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute strongly supports Google’s announcement that it will no longer allow ads for clinics offering unapproved stem cell therapies. The new policy specifies that “unproven or experimental medical techniques” will not be permitted to advertise through Google ads, a measure aimed at preventing rogue clinics from preying on vulnerable patients.

“The new Google policy is an important step toward increased regulation of unproven stem cell therapies that can cause significant harm to patients,” said NYSCF CEO Susan L. Solomon. “These potentially dangerous therapies detract from the real promise of stem cells, from the good science that will lead to safe and effective treatments for devastating diseases. We are happy to see increased oversight for how clinics are marketed.”

NYSCF has been an active participant in the fight against predatory stem cell clinics. In a recent panel discussion hosted at the NYSCF Research Institute in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University’s Berman Institute for Bioethics, scientists, thought leaders, and bioethicists discussed the current state of this issue and the steps that must be taken to better regulate clinics and keep patients safe. Read a summary of the event and watch the full discussion here.