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1326 Results

3D Printer Deposits Stem Cells

A new 3D printer technology deposits human embryonic stem cells in droplets. Building on 3D printer technology, this new platform can eject these fragile cells, which...

Tuberculosis, a “Wolf-in-Stem-Cell-Clothing”

Under the cover of a mesenchymal stem cell, the tuberculosis (TB) bacterium persists, even years after living asymptomatically.  A new study in Science Translational Medicine provides...

Stem Cells to Treat Fractures in France

Project REBORNE will commence clinical trials to help repair fractured bone in France. Following successful pre-clinical work and approval by the French Medicinal Agency, autologous mesenchymal...

Drug Reverses Deafness in Mice

Hearing loss in mammals is thought irreversible: damage wrought to ear hair cells can lead to permanent deafness. A new study in Neuron from Albert Edge...

Oxford Researchers Reverse Blindness in Mice

University of Oxford researchers report strides to reverse blindness in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The group, led by Robert MacLaren, transplanted light-sensitive...