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Schwarzenegger vetoes stem cell bill

San Francisco Business Times “Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed SB 1565, aimed at making stem cell therapies and diagnostics funded by California's multibillion-dollar stem cell research agency...

Japan fast-tracks stem-cell patent

Nature “Kyoto University in Japan has acquired the world’s first patent for induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells.” Read more &raquo

Obama Campaign Reveals Science Advisors

Wired Science “Barack Obama has established a small but well-regarded inner circle of science advisors that includes Nobel laureates.” Read more &raquo

GOP wants to close stem cell lab doors

The Boston Globe “Stem Cell research was one issue that many observers thought would fly under the radar in this year’s presidential election.” Read more &raquo

Shooting Down Cancer

Economist “A theory linking the scourge to stem cells may offer new ways of treating this most terrifying of diseases.” See related article – The Root...