Partnering to Accelerate Alzheimer’s Research

Press Release

The NYSCF Research Institute is committed to accelerating research by sharing its expertise and leveraging its technologies with scientists at collaborating institutions around the world. A paper published in Nature this week is the latest example of NYSCF scientists joining forces with a group of leading New York researchers and institutions to accelerate Alzheimer’s disease research.

Dr. Marc Tessier-Lavigne, President of The Rockefeller University, led the research team with first author Dr. Dominik Paquet, a NYSCF – Druckenmiller Fellow at The Rockefeller University. NYSCF scientists and co-authors including Dr. Scott Noggle and others fundamentally enabled the work published in this paper by training The Rockefeller University researchers in stem cell techniques and providing the cells for the research.

The scientists used an improved CRISPR/Cas-9 gene editing technique to modify induced pluripotent stem cells, creating different cellular models of genetic forms of Alzheimer’s disease and, subsequently, the relevant brain cells affected by the disease. This work, which will allow researchers to better study and understand Alzheimer’s, highlights the power of collaboration between institutions in advancing cures for disease.

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Diseases & Conditions:

Aging, Genomics & Gene Editing

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