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Embryonic stem cell research must continue

The New Haven Register “Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth of the U.S. Districy Court in Washington recently issued a preliminary injunction that blocks federal funding for...

Stem-cell work thrown into limbo

Nature, News “Candace Kerr was working late on 23 August when a postdoc sent her the link to a CNN story in an email entitled: ‘Bad...

A law in time?

Nature “Human embryonic-stem-cell research in the United States has been dealt a potentially devastating blow by a federal judge, who last week issued an injunction halting...

FDA challenges stem-cell clinic

Nature, News “How should clinics that treat patients with injections of their own stem cells be regulated?” Read More »

An eye to treating blindness

Nature, News & Views “Work on stem cells is one of the hottest research areas in biology. But are such studies of any therapeutic value? Fortunately,...

NYSCF — Robertson Stem Cell Prize

The NYSCF − Robertson Stem Cell Prize has been awarded annually since 2011 to an outstanding young stem cell scientist in recognition of significant and path...

Stem Cell Investigator Awards

The 2017 NYSCF – Robertson Stem Cell Investigator Award RFA is now open. Applications are due February 22, 2017.  NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for...

Susan Solomon on NBC with Chuck Scarborough

Susan Solomon, Co-founder and CEO of The New York Stem Cell Foundation, joined Chuck Scarborough to discuss the efforts to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease...

Gene Linked to OCD Identified

Time Scientists at Cornell Weill Medical Center, while studying the role of a gene in the development of stem cells that become blood cells, found that...

Gene flaw found in induced stem cells

Nature, News “Stem-cell researchers have puzzled over why reprogrammed cells taken from adult tissues are often slower to divide and much less robust than their embryo-derived...

Interview with NYSCF Fellow Chris Fasano

NYSCF Fellow Dr. Christopher Fasano recently published a paper in which he was able to create floor plate tissue from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs).  This...

Israeli advance in stem cell tech

Jerusalem Post “A new technology developed at Hadassah University Medical Center has made it possible to produce large amounts of human embryonic stem cells for industry...