NYSCF Applauds Nobel Prize Win for Stem Cell Research
The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) congratulates Shinya Yamanaka, MD, PhD, at Kyoto University in Japan, and John Gurdon, PhD, at the Gurdon Institute in...
The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) congratulates Shinya Yamanaka, MD, PhD, at Kyoto University in Japan, and John Gurdon, PhD, at the Gurdon Institute in...
After many failed attempts, researchers in Japan report success in mouse stem cell-derived oocytes in Science. Dr. Mitinori Saitu’s laboratory at Kyoto University reprogrammed embryonic and...
Researchers led by Dr. Manel Esteller, director of the Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program at the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, have uncovered epigenetic changes in adult...
A major setback for induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell transplantation, some cells may not differentiate into the desired cell type and could, potentially, produce tumor growth....
University of Washington researchers uncovered a regulator for cardiac cell differentiation from embryonic stem cells. Led by Sharon Paige, they investigated the genetic controls over the...
To better treat children suffering from necrotizing enterocolitis, a disorder that results in intestinal tissue death, Dr. Tracy Griksheit and her colleagues at the Saban Research...
To treat spinal chord injury, Mark Tuszynski, MD, PhD, and his colleagues at UCSD and VA San Diego Healthcare embedded neural stem cells in severed mouse...
Published in Nature, researchers at the University of Sheffield led by Dr. Marcelo Rivolta have successfully transplanted human embryonic stem cell-derived auditory nerve cells to treat...
Given the hope stem cell research offers, some have taken advantage of patients, peddling unapproved, risky “cures” to disease. A 60 Minutes report in 2006 investigated...
On Nantucket television program 228, NYSCF CEO Susan L. Solomon and NYSCF – Helmsley Investigator Valentina Fossati joined host Kate Brosnan to discuss the tremendous impact NYSCF...
The TED Blog posted an entry on how stem cells are the future of medicine, framing the topic with NYSCF CEO Susan Solomon’s TEDGlobal Talk. In it, Solomon...
Susan L. Solomon will be honored at the Genetic Policy Institute’s (GPI) World Stem Cell Summit with the 2012 Stem Cell Action Award on December 4...
Counter to the prevailing theory that beta cells die-off in Type 2 diabetes patients, NYSCF – Druckenmiller Fellow and postdoctoral research scientist at Columbia University Medical...
At TEDGlobal 2012 in Edinburgh, Scotland, Susan Solomon unveiled a breakthrough development from NYSCF Research Institute scientists that could help revolutionize how disease is treated. In...
Dieter Egli, PhD, a NYSCF Senior Research Fellow, is co-author on a paper published in the August 19th edition of Nature Genetics, a study conducted in...
At the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference this past July, Andrew Sproul, PhD, a NYSCF Postdoctoral Associate, presented NYSCF’s latest efforts to understand Alzheimer’s disease. They have...
Dieter Egli, a NYSCF Senior Research Fellow, contributed to a study published in Molecular Medicine that provides direct evidence of sight-loss recovery using induced pluripotent stem...
Dung-Fang Lee, PhD, a NYSCF – Druckenmiller Fellow Alumnus at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, has published a new study in the August edition of Cell...
Marius Wernig, MD, a NYSCF – Robertson Investigator at Stanford University, released an update to previously published work confirming that mouse skin cells can bypass the...
Sriram Bandi, PhD, a NYSCF – Druckenmiller Fellowship alumnus, published work in the February 2012 Journal of Cell Science finding that cells derived from a human...
Interviewed for Drug Discovery News, NYSCF CEO Susan L. Solomon and NYSCF Vice President of Research and Development Stephen Chang, PhD, revealed the potential for stem...
For a weekend in Washington, DC, “Celebration of Science” convened academic, pharmaceutical, biotech, and governmental leaders to share prominent scientific advances. NYSCF CEO Susan L. Solomon...
June 12 – 15, 2013 | Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC), Boston, MA USA The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)’s annual meeting has...
At NYCTech Connect’s Riverside Chat event, NYSCF CEO Susan L. Solomon engaged an audience at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, recounting the founding of NYSCF. She revealed...
In six papers published in Nature, the results of the federally funded effort ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) that extended over 32 labs and involved 440...