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1326 Results

Fetal Cells Again?

Science, News Focus “Despite past failures and growing skepticism about cell therapy in general, scientists once again plan to test fetal cell transplants on Parkinson's disease”...

Chemical Reset

Nature, Research Highlights “Adult cells can be turned into ‘pluripotent’ or embryonic-like stem cells with the insertion of four genes “Ó Sox2, Oct4, Klf4 and c-Myc.”...

Genetics of complex diseases

Nature, Editor’s Summary “Genome-wide association studies have identified hundreds of genetic variants associated with complex human diseases, but most confer quite small increments of risk.” Read...

Scanning for links to autism

Nature, Editor’s Summary “Autism is a highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder, and yet very few specific susceptibility genes have been identified to date.” Read More &raquo

What Condition Could Stem Cells Help First?

Newsweek “The answer almost doesn’t matter, because stem-cell research has become the latest casualty of a plague sweeping biomedical science: advances in the lab aren’t reaching...

Oncogenic potential in prostate cells

Nature, Editor’s Summary “A rare luminal stem cell population, termed CARN cells, has been identified in the mouse prostate.”Read More &raquo See related article: “A luminal...

Stem Cell Awareness Day

Governor David A. Paterson proclaimed September 23, 2009, as Stem Cell Awareness Day in New York State.

Elaine Fuchs receives National Medal of Science

The Rockefeller University, Newswire”Elaine Fuchs, Rebecca C. Lancefield Professor and head of the Laboratory of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development at Rockefeller University, has been named...

Familial dysautonomia: iPS cell disease model

Nature, Editor’s Summary “Familial dysautonomia is a rare but fatal peripheral neuropathy caused by a mutation in the gene IKBKAP that encodes a protein involved in...

To thwart disease, apply now

Nature Translational medicine is a key addition to the biomedical research enterprise.  Policymakers and the research leaders now must build the infrastructure to take discoveries from...

NYSCF Fellows Publish Research in Nature

NYSCF applauds NYSCF-Druckenmiller fellows Gabsang Lee and Christopher Fasano for their work, recently published in Nature, demonstrating that a rare but devastating neurological disease can be...

Japan relaxes human stem-cell rules

Nature, News “A long-sought loosening of Japan’s stem cell research came into effect on 21 August. But some say the new rules are too little, too...

Switching On The Power Of Stem Cells

Science Daily “Scientists have uncovered a vital link in the chain of events that gives stem cells their remarkable properties. Researchers from the Wellcome Trust Centre...