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Stem-cell therapies closer to the clinic

Nature News “A group of researchers in the United States and South Korea today announced a leap towards safe, clinically useful patient-specific stem cells.” Read More...

Draft stem-cell guidelines criticized

Nature News “As the National Institutes of Health (NIH) begins finalizing guidelines to govern US funding of human embryonic stem-cell research, an initial ripple of researcher...

Sounds Great, but What Does He Really Mean?

Washington Post “Last week, President Obama told Sen. Orrin Hatch, the veteran Utah Republican, that he would appoint a ‘pragmatist, not a radical,’ to replace retiring...

Elaine Fuchs: secrets of skin renewal

Nature Reports “Skin stem cells are constantly replacing and repairing the body’s surface. Fuchs says figuring out how this happens is a delight.” Read More &raquo

Stem-cell therapy faces more scrutiny in China

Nature “Beijing – The Chinese Ministry of Health has implemented regulations on the clinical application of cutting-edge therapies such as stem-cell injections.” Read More &raquo

Progress in Pluripotency

“It has been less than three years since Takahashi and Yamanaka demonstrated that viral transduction of the four-factor cocktail of Oct4, KLF4, Sox2, and c-Myc transgenes...

Stem-Cell Biology: New Stem-Cell Formula

Nature, Research Highlights “Ever since Kyoto University's Shinya Yamanaka showed that cultured skin cells could be made to behave like embryonic stem cells by the addition...

Stem Cell Compromise

The New York Times “The Obama administration took the easy political path on embryonic stem cells last week by proposing to pay for research only on stem...

NIH announces draft stem-cell guidelines

Nature “The National Institutes of Health today released a comprehensive set of draft guidelines intended to govern federally funded human embryonic stem cell research.” Read More...

Directing dopaminergic differentiation

Nature, Editor’s Summary “Neurons that produce dopamine as a neurotransmitter control a broad variety of brain functions, including motor control, cognition, motivation and pleasure.” Read More...

Testing time for stem cells

Nature, News “The drug industry is keener on stem-cell technologies than ever before — and not just as a source of new treatments.”Read More &raquo

Stem Cell Fairy Tales and Stem Cell Fables

Science Progress CAP Senior Fellow Rick Weiss covered science and medicine for The Washington Post for 15 years, and now he brings his investigative eye to...

CIRM Close-Hauled, Seeks Bonds to Sustain Headway

Science “With dramatic shifts in both the economic and political landscape for stem cell research, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)”Óa state initiative set up...

Embryonic Education

Nature Editorial “Now that the US federal funding ban on human embryonic stem cells is lifted, scientists must engage the public’s concerns about embryo research.” Read...