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1333 Results

NYSCF Lab Forms

{password pass=”labforms” text=”Please enter your password to view and download forms.”} Forms for NYSCF Employees NE01_Guidelines_for_NYSCF_Laboratory_Staff_Members.pdf NE02_Laboratory_Safety_Program.pdf NE03_Safety_Training_Schedules.pdf NE04_Protocols_for_human_Pluripotent_Stem_Cell_Work.pdf NE05_Internal_Research_Proposal_and_Schedule.doc NE06_Collaborative_Project_Term_Sheet_and_Schedule.doc NE07_Technology_Disclosure_Form.doc NE08_Electronic_Notebook_Witnessing_Form.pdf   Forms for...

Neuroscience Investigator Awards

The 2017 NYSCF – Robertson Neuroscience Investigator Award RFA is now open. Applications are due February 22, 2017. NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for Innovator...

Shivatra Noi Talchai

Current Appointment: Principal Investigator, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand Dr. Talchai received her PhD in Human Nutrition from Columbia University. She is the recipient...

Christopher Fasano, PhD

Current Appointment: Director of Research & Development, Neural Stem Cell Institute Dr. Fasano received his PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the Albany Medical School. He received...

NYSCF Outreach

The 2014 NYSCF Spring Outreach Panel on Stem Cell Research and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease The New York Stem Cell Foundation hosts a slate of on-going...

Stop-and-go scenario

A legal battle over federal funding of human embryonic stem-cell research is discouraging researchers from entering that arena, and likely is delaying the advancement of new...

Hidden Toll of Embryo Wars

Nature News3/14/11  At its heart, the ongoing legal battle to block US federal funding for research on human embryonic stem (ES) cells seeks to protect embryos....

Recent Stem Cell News

In the past few weeks we’ve seen some really interesting papers and news articles in the stem cell field. Below you will find a brief summary...

SCNT Report from CIRM/MRC Workshop

NYSCF scientists Scott Noggle and Dieter Egli presented at a workshop held in conjunction with this year’s ISSCR conference on somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).  The...